One-Up One-Down

     The form of communication one-up one down was interesting to me. One-up messages is a sign of dominance. It indicates the desire to take control or limit the actions of others. Also, one-down messages show a desire to give in or be less dominant and let others take control/ lead. It is interesting to see that men and women are very different in their form of communication. Women want to build a relationship first, and they do so by finding similarities/ commonalities with the other person. Men tend to show off their dominance and do a one-up, one-down form of communication. Women ask a lot of questions and share experiences. Men give the information rather than asking questions which, is a form of one-up communication. I see it on a day-to-day basis but never thought anything of it. In my life, I can relate because whenever the girls in my friend group argue, we tend not to speak for a few days, but when the boys argue they act as nothing happened after two minutes. I also find I need a relationship to function at work I, will excel at my job if I have a connection with others around me. The boys at my job do not need anybody, they focus on the job and make friends along the way.


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